Cardiovascular Department

The Cardiology Department at Ahmadi Medical Complex is a specialized department that provides comprehensive medical care for patients suffering from heart problems and diseases. The department includes a team of doctors and cardiologists who have the experience and competence in diagnosing and treating various heart conditions.

The Cardiology Department at Ahmadi Medical Complex is distinguished by providing the latest technologies and medical equipment for diagnosing and treating heart diseases. Specialized services are provided, including comprehensive cardiac examinations, medical consultations, drug therapy, and necessary surgical procedures such as catheterization and diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac interventions.

The team at the Cardiology Department provides the necessary care for patients and provides medical advice and guidance to maintain heart health and prevent heart diseases. It also focuses on raising awareness of the importance of following a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly to maintain heart health.

In addition, the Cardiology Department at Ahmadi Medical Complex seeks to provide a comfortable and supportive environment for patients to ensure that health care is provided in an effective and professional manner. The department is distinguished by a professional and compassionate team that always seeks to meet the needs of patients and ensure their satisfaction.

Medical Team

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